Monday, October 14, 2024

Iceland's government has fallen.

 The Independence Party has terminated the government cooperation with the Left Green Party and the Progressive Party. 
 The newly elected President of Iceland has not yet taken a position on whether she will allow the administration to finish its work and call for elections.

 There was a disagreement between the parties regarding the deportation of asylum seekers, and the Independence Party wanted to go the farthest in deporting immigrants by setting up deportation detention camps. 

 It is expected that the Independence Party will try to form a working government until the elections with the Center Party, which is against immigration, and the Center Right Party, which is a pro-European party. The racist party The People's Party is waiting on the sidelines ready to support the deportation bill The Independence Party if it is presented

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The ghost town

The town of Grindavík was the victim of an earthquake and volcanic eruption. The lava stopped at the town border, but took down one house.

There are no more children in the town and the playgrounds and sports fields are empty

An empty school building is only a monument to a bygone era of a flourishing locality.

Only the wind plays with the swings like an invisible ghost.

Many houses have cracked floors. Below is an abyss 15 meters into the ground.
Buildings have split in two

In the distance you can see the crater and the lava that was heading for the town.

The settlement has been abandoned, but the residents are unhappy with the government's late response at the beginning of the disaster.

The community is now very scattered throughout the country.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Icelandic labor market like the 'Wild West'

Nineteen staff agencies are operating in Iceland, of which twelve are Icelandic and seven are foreign. It was stated in the interview program Kveikur on RUV that their employees working in Iceland receive bad treatment, poor or no wages and indecent facilities. One worker describes his situation as that of a homeless dog. 

 - There has certainly been a rich gold rush in the country in recent years. Is it mainly in tourism and construction industry. Many new companies have sprung up from the ashes, taking in cheap labor from the staff rentals, but in no way keeping up with the beautiful promises of good wages and facilities. Unfortunately, many people fall into this slavery trap. Occupational health and safety laws therefore seem not been exist in cases where there is no control over the relevant companies.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Right man in the right place?

Independence Party deputy Mr. Nielson has been appointed director of the Human Rights Office. He comes from the far right wing of the party and was previously an assistant to the former Minister of Justice. Mr Nielson has been criticized for various inappropriate comments. - repeatedly accused of spreading misogynist ideas. He has also been accused of harassing victims of sexual violence. Mr Nielson faced accusations of misogyny and authoritarianism after voting against a bill on women's autonomy over abortion. Mr Nielson has described himself as an anti-feminist.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Brutal violence is growing.

A father who killed his 10-year-old daughter referred the body to the police. The police found the body in the lava and subsequently arrested the father, who is Icelandic. This is the second girl child to be killed in a short time. Not long ago, an Icelandic teenager killed a teenage girl with a knife in the street and injured several others. A total of seven have been killed this year. The vast majority of the murders were committed by Icelanders. The general carrying of weapons by young people causes fear in society.

Deportation number 1001

Iceland has deported 1000 asylum seekers this year.  When it came to the deportation of Palestinian family number 1001-1003, the government intervened in the matter at the last minute.  - Deportation was to be carried out to Spain, as the family had stopped there on their way to Iceland, with reference to the Dublin regulation.  The police were brought in to carry out the eviction.  - The police operation began with the mother and their chronically ill child being taken from the hospital in the middle of the night and without the child being discharged.  Next, the father was arrested home, also in the middle of the night, and it was not a polite knock, but the door was broken open and the father was handcuffed.   Then they were taken to the airport to be thrown out of the country. The Minister of Social Affairs heard about the case and asked the Minister of Justice to postpone the action she took.  As a result, there was disagreement in the government about the continuation of the proceedings.  In opposition racist party in Iceland condemned the postponement, but the other racist party has not commented publicly.  It is uncertain what the outcome will be, but it is clear that it is almost 'illegal' to be non-white in Iceland today. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Another eruption near Grindavík

Another eruption started in Reykjanes last weekend and is still active. Smoke from the eruption now covers the south and the mountains cannot be seen from the towns on the coast.

This is the ninth time that a volcano has erupted in the area.

A couple murdered in their home.

An elderly couple was murdered in their home in East Iceland. The killer stole their car and drove to Reykjavík, where the police caught him. The killer is now in custody. The reasons for the murder are not known, but the perpetrator is said to be mentally unstable.

Knife attack at a cultural festival

A knife attack has been carried out on two young people who were present at a cultural festival in the capital Reykjavík. 

 The victims of the attack were a teenage boy of foreign origin and a teenage girl who is critically injured. The attacker, who is a 16-year-old boy, was arrested shortly after and is in custody. The motive for the attack is not known.

A serious accident in an ice cave in the Icelandic National Park

A serious accident occurred in an ice cave in Vatnajökull National Park. 

 23 people were in the cave when a five fathom high ice wall collapsed on the people. One person died and another was seriously injured, but others managed to escape the slide. 

 At first it was believed that two others from the group had fallen under the ice wall and rescue teams worked for 24 hours to break the ice from the cave and three helicopters worked to bring rescuers and equipment to the place.

 No more people were found under the ice, as it turned out that the registration of the number of people on the expedition was not correct with the American tourism company Ice Pick Journey, because two people who had bought a trip did not attend the expedition.

- Ice cave exploration is especially dangerous during the summer when the glacier is soft and moving, 

In the national park there are many ice caves, most of them natural but difficult to access. Therefore, some ice caves are man-made tourist traps. Rules for ice-cave tours and safety requirements are extremely poor in Iceland. 


Friday, July 26, 2024

The newly elected president accused of corruption

The newly elected president of Iceland, Halla Tómasdóttir, who will take office on August 1, has been accused of corruption after she bought a brand new Volvo EX 30 electric car on special loyalty terms from the car agency. In addition, the future president posed for the company's advertising photo. It has also spread that the CEO of the company is on the president's guest list at the inauguration. 

 Many people feel that this case reeks of corruption, which in itself is not uncommon in the upper echelons of Icelandic society.

The media covering the case also make it clear that it is a case of corruption.

However, there are no rules of conduct for the presidency, and the president can therefore act according to his own discretion and conviction.