Congratulations, you can fly again. Now comes the almost steam from the volcano glacier and very little ash. Weather: Rather slow north direction at first, but turns clockwise in the south towards the afternoon. Rainy afternoon. Expected ash falling all around Eyjafell, but the west wind in the evening and then moves to the East Volcanic Ash. North direction in the morrow morning and Volcanic Ash to the south.
Smoke has decreased a lot from yesterday and a little Volcanic Ash. Agitation of the earthquake measure is similar to yesterday. Visibility is good.
Be good to each other and visit Iceland if you can. See with your eyes all that has happened!
The Icelandic Coastguard flew with experts to the volcano yesterday afternoon to monitor the eruption. There is still considerable volcanic activity at the site and three seemingly separate craters are still erupting. The plume is still rising but it is smaller and lighter, indicating that there is not much ash in it. Accumulating ash seems to be forming a ridge along the edges of the volcano. Lava splatter was hurled 1,5 – 3 km up in the air by explosions in the crater this morning. Further to the south clouds of ash reached a height of 5-6 km. No lava flow was observed from the volcano.
There is no risk of flash floods because the water is continuously flowing off the glacier.
1:00 PM Latest results from GPS stations around "Eyjafjallajokull" show deflationassociated with the eruption. No movements associated with the Katlavolcano are presently observed.
Information be for this glacier Volcanic Eruption from Media Team in the Emergency Management Center at Skogarhlid 14, Reykjavík, are: (+354) 570 2634 and 570 2633 between 08:00 and 20:00 in local time.