Friday, July 26, 2024

The newly elected president accused of corruption

The newly elected president of Iceland, Halla Tómasdóttir, who will take office on August 1, has been accused of corruption after she bought a brand new Volvo EX 30 electric car on special loyalty terms from the car agency. In addition, the future president posed for the company's advertising photo. It has also spread that the CEO of the company is on the president's guest list at the inauguration. 

 Many people feel that this case reeks of corruption, which in itself is not uncommon in the upper echelons of Icelandic society.

The media covering the case also make it clear that it is a case of corruption.

However, there are no rules of conduct for the presidency, and the president can therefore act according to his own discretion and conviction.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024


New laws have entered into force in agriculture: 

1. Meat production plants will be allowed to merge without restrictions.
2. Product centers will be allowed to carry with them any kind of consultation regarding division of labor, pricing or other aspects of the operation. 
3. The provisions on the supervision of the Competition Authority and, depending on the circumstances, the prohibition of unauthorized agreements or decisions by manufacturers, which were in the original bill, are repealed in the law.

 - It didn't take long until a large company bought the competitor and thereby became the market leader. 

-Among the members of parliament who made the law is a part owner in one of these companies.