Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Brutal violence is growing.

A father who killed his 10-year-old daughter referred the body to the police. The police found the body in the lava and subsequently arrested the father, who is Icelandic. This is the second girl child to be killed in a short time. Not long ago, an Icelandic teenager killed a teenage girl with a knife in the street and injured several others. A total of seven have been killed this year. The vast majority of the murders were committed by Icelanders. The general carrying of weapons by young people causes fear in society.

Deportation number 1001

Iceland has deported 1000 asylum seekers this year.  When it came to the deportation of Palestinian family number 1001-1003, the government intervened in the matter at the last minute.  - Deportation was to be carried out to Spain, as the family had stopped there on their way to Iceland, with reference to the Dublin regulation.  The police were brought in to carry out the eviction.  - The police operation began with the mother and their chronically ill child being taken from the hospital in the middle of the night and without the child being discharged.  Next, the father was arrested home, also in the middle of the night, and it was not a polite knock, but the door was broken open and the father was handcuffed.   Then they were taken to the airport to be thrown out of the country. The Minister of Social Affairs heard about the case and asked the Minister of Justice to postpone the action she took.  As a result, there was disagreement in the government about the continuation of the proceedings.  In opposition racist party in Iceland condemned the postponement, but the other racist party has not commented publicly.  It is uncertain what the outcome will be, but it is clear that it is almost 'illegal' to be non-white in Iceland today.