Sunday, June 02, 2024

Halla Tómasdóttir 7th president of Iceland

Halla Tómasdóttir won the presidential election on Saturday with over 32% support.  It was expected in advance that former PM Katrín Jakopsdóttir would win the election, as opinion polls indicated that.  She had the support of the right wing of the government.  Voters seem to have voted tactically when they got to the polling station, because other 10 candidates didn't get involved in the fight between these two women.  

Mrs. Tómasdóttir has worked as a business economist, teacher and lecturer internationally.   She founded the company Audur Capital in 2007 and hosted the Þjóðfundin in 2009, where a random sample of the Icelandic people gathered in Laugardalshöll to discuss the basic values ​​and the future vision that would concern the path of reconstruction following the banking collapse.  Organized organized the international equality conference Inspirally WE2015 (Women Empowerment).  Chosen as Europe's female entrepreneur by Cartier, McKinsey and INSEAD. 

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