Sunday, December 01, 2024

Elections in Iceland: Resultsof the parliamentary elections

The Social Democratic Party S was the winner of the elections that took place yesterday and will receive 15 MPs. The left-wing parties J P V were wiped out and did not get a single member of parliament. The far right parties L Y did not get a single member of parliament and also wiped out. The right-wing parties had mixed results, D lost but M gained. A total of 22 MPs. The winners, however, were the center parties S C F with 36 MPs and are most likely to form a government. The Progressive Party B, which is a center party and part of the last government, lost 8 MPs and now only has 5 MPs. The electoral turnout was over 80% 

The Southern Constituency will receive 10 MPs.
 F People's Party 2
D Independence Party 2
S Coalition Party 2
B Progressive Party 2
M Centre Party (right) 1
C Restoration Party 1
J Socialist Party 0
P Pirates 0
V Left Green Party 0
L Democracy Party 0

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